The second papal visit to Africa a continent vibrating with the Christian faith and belief is today. This second pilgrimage of Pope Benedict XVI to Africa, Benin, like the first in Cameroon and Angola two years ago, presents huge challenges for both the Pope and the Church in Africa.
The youth the future of the Church, family of God, given an opportunity for an audience with the Pope in Benin, will definitely pose various numerous preoccupations to the Roman Pontiff. Let us see five of these preoccupations…
1. World Youth Days (WYD)
Since its creation by the late Pope now Blessed John Paul II in 1985, the WYD celebrations have been a success and a faith-filled positive experiences for the youth worldwide. The latter have faithfully followed the call of the founding pontiff to carry the WYD Cross and icon across the world.
But the African youth will have a word with the Pope who selects the venue to celebrate this event.
« His Holiness, while in Madrid August this year, why didn’t you consider one of the African nations to hold the forthcoming WYD events, keeping in mind that since its creation, it has never been celebrated in our continent ? We hope that this your second pontifical visit to our land will help you understand our thirst as African youth to welcome WYD celebrations on our motherland. »
2. Ethics and Morals
In his first visit, Pope Benedict was very categorical on the issue of contraceptives and HIV /Aids. He insisted that condoms were not a solution to the fight of Aids virus rather a part of the problem.
Two years down the line, the pontiff would definitely insist on the same point, for the Catholic teaching on sexuality has not changed yet. For an African youth the story is different.
First, Africans never talk of sex in public. Public sex talk is a taboo, a moral evil! Secondly, an African youth shares and talks on sexual matters with his uncles and aunts, he or she never shares such things with his or her grandparent. The pope, a grandfather’s figure to an African youth, will be available once again to address them on matters sexuality! Definitely, the youth with the pope will break this cultural barrier and talk matters concerning proper human sexuality, growth and development.
« His Holiness, now that you are at home with us, would you please clarify better this issue of humanization of sexuality yet keeping in mind that HIV/Aids is a major challenge in Africa today? How, Holy Father, can we transform our sexuality and moral life to be a gift to the Church and to humanity? »
3. Church’s Doctrines
It is beyond doubt that an African is thoroughly religious. This religiosity is engraved in his way of life. But it is sad that this religiosity poses a problem to Africans. Rooted to tradition and with many competing evangelical churches mushrooming day in day out, the African Catholic youth is in a state of dilemma!
« His Holiness, now that you have visited our traditions and ways of worship, help us understand our Catholic faith, inculturated in our cultural values, so that we may live up to our both sacramental and prayer life. Would you please, Holy Father, show us how to love God more and clear our religious doubts so that Christianity, sacramental and prayer life may have meaning in our lives. »
4. Vocations and Career
Just like Samuel and Eli’s story in the book of 1 Sam. 3: 1-21, the African youth will be at the feet of the pope with vocational preoccupations.
« His Holiness, how can I understand the call of God and sincerely respond to it positively? What should I do in the process of discernment so as to remain faithful in my vocation as a married person, or as a consecrated person, or as an ordained person? Where and how, Holy Father, do we look for God? »
Poverty, one of the many challenges in Africa, never takes holiday in Africa! This is due to poor leadership and lack of self personal responsibility of one’s life.
« His Holiness, how can we properly discern on the choice of career we take in life and is it true, Holy Father, that we are the leaders of tomorrow? If yes, when is this tomorrow since our societies crumble down each time in poverty and lack of proper and sincere governance? »
5. Education
Education is the key to success, reads majority of the schools’ motto that I have come across. Others still put it clear, education is the light! Education is indeed a fundamental aspect of proper human formation.
« His Holiness, now that you are around with us and have seen our educational systems, how do we reconcile all the good values we get from formal education and its other side of the coin, western influence, with the good values of our African traditions ? What is the relationship between science and religion and our human life situation? Can scientific world approach us to God and our fellow human beings, or if I become a scientist I risk losing my faith in God? »