Loiyangalani, Consoled and Consoling!

To the Consolata Missionaries, the sixth month of the year is a very important month among the twelve. It is equally important for Mary Star of the Sea, Loiyangalani Catholic Mission. The importance of the month of June is in its twentieth day. This is the day we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady Consolata, and the parish feast.

This day’s spiritual preparations normally begin nine days before. In the year 2019, in Loiyangalani Parish, the Consolata Feast celebrations will never be forgotten by the parishioners. Why?

First. The parish had a Triduum, a three-day spiritual preparation, prior to the feast day which, due to pastoral reasons was celebrated on 22nd June 2019. During these three days, each day presided over by Sr. Lucy, mc., Deacon Abel, imc., and Deacon Boniface, imc., the Christians learnt about Mary’s role in our history of salvation.

On the last day of the Triduum, Deacon Boniface, imc., made known to the parishioners not only the history of the icon of Our Lady Consolata on how it had ups and downs in its life yet remained intact up to our times, but also the spiritual meaning of each and every part of the icon.

Second. The 22nd day of the month of June was the day we, in Loiyangalani, had the celebrations of the Feast of Our Lady Consolata. 22nd was on a Saturday, the day that the Church, according to her traditions, unless falls a solemnity, honours Mary Mother of God and our mother. 22nd was two days from the twentieth, hence still fell within the octave of the Feast of Our Lady Consolata. 22nd was also a day that came before the Corpus Christi Sunday which we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, a true consoler that Our Lady Consolata brought us.

The flamboyant day began with the Eucharistic celebrations presided over by His Lordship Reverend Peter Kihara, the Bishop of Marsabit Diocese. By the way, Marsabit Diocese is under the protection and patronage of Our Lady Consolata. Hence having the shepherd of the Diocese, meant the whole diocese was in celebration with us.

In his homily, he explained the meaning of Consolata, which translates into Swahili word “Mfariji”. He then gave a brief history of the Icon of Our Lady Consolata. And thereafter he hailed the first Consolata Missionaries who brought us God’s consolation. Having received this consolation from God via Consolata, and himself being a living witness of the same through the Consolata Missionaries who evangelized the central Kenya region, the Bishop insisted that it is now our prime duty to share the same consolation to others. “If we do not preach Christ by our words and deeds, surely we shall have failed Our Lady Consolata, who gave us Jesus so that we can also give Him to others! And woe to us, if the consolation that begun many years ago will end with us!”

The Mass ended with a simple procession with the image of Our Lady Consolata from the new Church to the Grotto.

It’s worth to note that everyone was dressed for the feast. White-Red-Yellow robe for the Liturgical dancers; green dress and blue blouse (for ladies) checked-white shirt and black trouser for the choir members; Catholic Women Association’s blue uniform for women; headgears and necklaces known in this region as changa for a good number of Christians, and the clergy in white!

A feast, in an African perspective, cannot be the feast per se without some jigs, hops, and refreshments. This was done in the afternoon. There were various performances of songs, plays and dance from the Pontifical Missionary Childhood, Catholic Women Association, Choir, various Small Christian Communities, etc., and a meal. We are grateful to Our Lady Consolata. Indeed we were consoled and are consoling!

[This article was published on the Consolata Missionaries website ]

Loiyangalani, Discovering Ecological Virtues

Each year, during the Lenten Season, the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC) of Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), organize a Lenten Campaign. In the year 2019, CJPC had as its Lenten Campaign theme; ‘Uniting Healing and Renewal of our Nation, God’s Gift’.

The Catholic Church through the CJPC saw a great need of uniting, healing and renewing Kenya that has been torn apart on the line of negative ethnicity.

One of the tools the CJPC used to bring all Kenyans together is the Laudato Si. This is an Encyclical Letter that Pope Francis wrote on the 24th May 2015. The pope wrote this letter to all people living here on earth to protect it as a common home. Matters environment touch all, and its conservation is a call to all.

In line with this noble call by the CJPC and the pontiff, we in Loiyangalani parish, with the help of the Pastoral Coordinator of Marsabit diocese, Fr. Reuben, Mccj, had a two-day seminar to re-discover the ecological virtues to help us unite, heal and renew not only Kenya, but the whole world at large.

Loiyangalani is situated in the northern region of Kenya towards Ethiopia. Mostly it is a semi-desert; full of stones, rocks and some parts is sandy. This semi-desert zone borders Lake Turkana, one of the world’s rarest desert and saline lakes. This zone has neither a forest cover, nor a perennial or seasonal river! Not even a single factory is found here!

It has an approximately population of 20,000 inhabitants, mostly from Turkana, Samburu, Gabra, Rendille, Borana and the El Molo (a minority tribe in Kenya) ethnic groups. None of these tribes cultivate the land. They are pastoralist and fishermen.

Why then talk of the conservation of the environment to these people living in a harsh area?

Yes, Loiyangalani might not have a large forest cover like the equatorial forest, amazon forest, or a smaller one like Karura forest! But we have trees around! Loiyangalani has several scattered thorny trees serving as the only vegetation in this rocky and dusty area. Hence, there is the need of awareness on tree conservation and planting.

Yes, Loiyangalani has no factory! But we use factory products like soap, oil, perfume, metal and polythene containers, etc. Hence, there is the need of awareness on proper garbage disposal.

Yes, it is true that in Loiyangalani rain is a very rare phenomenon. Actually, it doesn’t rain. It drizzles. And if it showers, unlike the capital city’s friends who would run for cover, here, people jump on drizzling waters with joy. Yes, it is also true that Loiyangalani is a windy zone with climatic temperatures that ranges from 30˚C to 45˚C. But it is very true that, unlike the capital city’s friends who have water bills at the end of every month’s consumption, here, people don’t buy water! Loiyangalani has several springs that have served her population from time immemorial. Hence, there is the need of awareness on proper water consumption and storage.

Yes, Loiyangalani borders the salty desert Lake Turkana. But fish and other marine life exist within this saline lake. Actually, this lake feeds Loiyangalani inhabitants and beyond up to the North Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, especially villages bordering Uganda and D.R. Congo. Hence, there is the need of awareness on proper fishing and making the lake clean for the wellbeing of the marine life.

Therefore, the activities of the 8th and 9th March 2019 in Loiyangalani parish had a great pastoral impact in the need for conservation and protection of our environment.

On the first day, Fr. Reuben, MCCJ, had a series of talk with men. This culminated by the official foundation of the Catholic Men Association, Loiyangalani Parish. In this cultural setup, if one needs to involve the whole society in doing something serious like matters environment, men must be involved. It is a man-say-it-all society.

On the second day, Deacon Boniface Ochieng, imc gave a talk to a group comprising of Small Christian Community leaders, other Church group leaders and well-wishers on the Pastoral Influence of Laudato si in the Loiyangalani inhabitants. After the presentation (Identity, History and Context of its writing, Schema and Chapter analysis of Laudato si) and the contextualization of the Encyclical Letter, Laudato si, we had to reconcile the pontiff’s message on safeguard of our ecology and our lifestyle. This was done by providing a three-point Action Plan for Loiyangalani.

Primo, here in Loiyangalani, we resolved to plant more trees. Each Small Christian Community must plant a tree and make sure it is well watered.

Secundo, here in Loiyangalani, we resolved to proper disposal of the garbage. This also entails good use of our toilets.

Tertio, here in Loiyangalani, we created an Environment Team. This team is composed of four people. Their major task is to ensure that the trees are planted, and well taken care of. They will also coordinate other activities concerning the protection of our ecosystem.

We hope that this noble tool proposed by the CJPC in the 2019 Lenten Campaign will unite, heal and renew the Loiyangalani people.

[ This article was published in the Consolata Missionaries website]


Jésus avait inauguré le Sacrement de la Confirmation uniquement pour nous donner l’Esprit Saint. L’Esprit Saint est la troisième personne de la Sainte Trinité qui principalement sanctifie les chrétiens, en les comblant de divers dons et de fruits. Ses manifestations dans l’Église signifient que le temps messianique inauguré par Jésus Christ est en train de s’accomplir. Dans le calendrier liturgique de l’Église, cinquante jours après la Résurrection du Seigneur, l’Église célèbre la descente de l’Esprit Saint sur les disciples. C’est ce qu’on appelle la Pentecôte. Depuis le jour de la Pentecôte, l’Esprit Saint se manifeste dans l’Église afin que les chrétiens puissent être de vrais témoins du Christ Ressuscité. Ainsi, nous allons méditer sur les manifestations de l’Esprit Saint dans l’Église aujourd’hui.

Sur ce, nous diviserons les manifestations de l’Esprit Saint en deux manières, à savoir des manifestions de l’action extérieure et des manifestations de l’action intérieure. Aujourd’hui, nous méditerons sur la première, en réservant la deuxième pour la prochaine rencontre.

Action Extérieure de l’Esprit Saint

Il s’agit de Dons de l’Esprit Saint qui se manifestent extérieurement pour le bien de tout le monde, c'est-à-dire, les dons spirituels qui démontrent la véracité de l’Évangile du Christ en bénissant toute la communauté. C’est ainsi qu’ils aideront les chrétiens dans leur vie morale, (Catéchisme, n° 1830).

Texte clef : 1 Co 12, 7-11 (voir aussi Is 11, 1-3)

Ils sont traditionnellement au nombre de sept :
La Sagesse : il s’agit de se conduire avec prudence et habileté pour réussir dans la vie, cf., 1 R 3, 6-14 ; l’art de bien vivre ; c’est l’exploration de plus hautes vérités chrétiennes (He 6,1) ; elle fait goûter la présence de Dieu ; donne de parole inspirée apportant une solution ou éclairage divin

L’Intelligence : elle aide à entrer dans le mystère de Dieu ; à comprendre la Parole de Dieu ainsi que des événements ou des situations

Le conseil : elle aide dans le discernement spirituel ; à faire le choix

La force : elle donne la persévérance dans l’épreuve ; le courage du témoignage, cf., Col 1, 11

La science (connaissance) : elle aide la raison pratique pour bien juger ; pour bien donner le sens à l’amour de Dieu dans la création

La piété : elle aide à entrer dans l’expérience de Dieu ; à avoir la confiance d’un enfant

La sainte crainte de Dieu : elle n’est pas la peur ; mais plutôt elle a le sens de voir la grandeur de Dieu ; une attitude de l’humilité  et d’émerveillement

Nous pouvons tirer trois leçons :

Par ces dons, l’Esprit Saint fait notre âme et notre corps un lieu délicieux ; une sainte demeure
Par ces dons, l’Esprit Saint nous rend saint à servir Dieu avec empressement et à lui obéir facilement
Par ces dons, l’Esprit Saint nous fortifie dans des moments de tentations

Action intérieure de l’Esprit Saint:

Il s’agit de vertus produites dans le croyant par l’Esprit Saint, c'est-à-dire les Fruits de l’Esprit Saint. C’est à travers elles que Dieu forme ou modèle nos caractères afin que nous nous ressemblions davantage au Christ. Ce sont ces fruits de l’Esprit Saint qui nous transforment intérieurement en nous faisant tendre vers la stature parfaite du Christ.

Texte clef : Gal 5, 22-23

Ils sont au nombre de douze :
Charité ;
joie ;
paix ;
patience ;
longanimité ;
bonté ;
bénignité ;
mansuétude ;
fidélité ;
modestie ;
continence ;

Quelques considérations générales
Il faut :
Un éloignement total du mal
Un progrès complet dans le bien
La possession entière de l’excellence

Lisons  2 Co 7, 1