October: Our Mother's month

Most of our characters have their origin from our childhood experiences, and the latter has the mother or female guardian as the sole director.

It is an indubitable fact that mothers play a great role in our development both spiritually and physically (human and social life). They deserve a Mother's Month not just Mothers Day. Not that I am a female chauvinist but this is attested by most psychologists whose field is in human psychological development and how the trumpets blast on the Mother's Day in various radio stations, television channels, facsimiles, internet sites for mothers, poems, songs, sms's, cards and even promotions to make the participants' mothers famous, the list is endless. All these are some sort of presents to the mothers.
 It is not the Mother's Day right here, rather the month of the Rosary.

A month on which the Church calls upon us to set aside for the reflection on the Rosary and pray through and with Mary by reciting the holy Rosary.

Rosaries come in different shapes and sizes. But just a moment, what comes in your mind when Rosary is mentioned or when you see it hanging on the neck or in the car, at home next to a beloved portrait, on the wrist, on the finger, or in your pocket?

Whenever I think of or see a holy Rosary, immediately I think of Mary, the mother of God, known by the Greeks as theotokos, and our mother. And I guess you too think in the same line with me, hence not a natural mistake.

As a mother, therefore, she deserves the attention given to all mothers on the Mother's Day. But how many dedicated Christians remembered this? Good enough, as a woman blessed among women, she is attended to daily and now, in a special way in the month of the holy Rosary, October.

The Rosary has a historical background that I leave for the theologians and any Christian who is interested and inspired to dig deep into the Marian archives to be updated. Though that which should not escape a good Christian, is the fact that it is one of the pillars that has made the Church to be what it is today, strong amidst numerous challenges of the time.

The Rosary has out done the taste of time. Hence, the necessary need for the continuous recitation of the rosary not only in this month but also throughout the time.

It is not the case that we are Mariolators, worshippers of Mary, rather we respond to the desires of Jesus Christ on the cross when He told the disciple he loved most, "behold your mother" (cf. Jn. 19: 25-27). Jesus willed that his mother become our mother also; hence we become adopted sons and daughters of the Father. With this, Christ finished His mission, which could not have finished if he had not shared with us His mother.

As our mother, what sort of gift should we offer her?

The best gift for our mother Mary is to unite with her in the prayer of the Rosary during this month of the Rosary. In this union, we shall also honour her as a mother just as the Decalogue call us to 'honour your father and mother.' As we share in the mysteries of the rosary, we contemplate on our life by configuring it to the life of Christ in the rosary.

Mothers share in the feelings of their offspring. Mary too, as a mother, shares in the feelings, dangers and difficulties of the Church; and as she presented the baby Jesus to the Father in the temple, she too presents the Church to the Lord in the heavenly glory each time we pray with her the holy Rosary.

Being a traditional prayer, we have an obligation of making the recitation of the Rosary a living prayer since Christ wants it. He did this by giving us His mother, and from that day the disciple took her home to live with her, the scriptures tell us. We too must take her with us, live with her as a mother and let her direct our lives as mothers do to their children. Have a blessed time with her in this month of the Rosary.

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