The Resurrected Generation

The Easter tide is long gone and the Paschal candle no longer shines at the Altar. The latter is only left for the Baptismal Rite. As a Pilgrim Church, we have the weakly Easter celebration that always remind us of the mystery of Christ’s resurrection, a historical fact that forms the fundamental basis of our faith in the Son of God.
The Sunday Eucharistic celebrations, enable us enact and make present again the presence of the risen Christ for which we live as a resurrected generation.
As youths, how do we live this mystery of resurrection?
Well, the Catholic Church teaches on the sole purpose of God creating humanity. Human being was created in the image and likeness of God to know him, love him, and serve him and to enjoy and live happily with him in eternity. Through these sacred teachings of the Magisterium, we come to the fulfillment of our mission of living as a resurrected generation in all aspects of life here on earth.
But there are numerous stumbling blocks to this noble duty of witnessing to the resurrected Christ amongst the youths in the contemporary society. Most of which are matters of morality such as unhealthy relationships with the opposite sexes, premature marriages which may lead to domestic unrest and early pregnancies, school dropouts, drug abuse, just to mention but a few. These calamities build up a crisis within the victim’s life to the point of losing hope in life.

Many of the youths do not let the nature take its course efficiently; rather they alter it and become slaves to nature. Cases have been reported of some young adults dropping out of school and not only engaging in immoralities but also settling down for premature marriage whose consequences have led to non-witnessing as resurrected generation.

All these may come our way as youths today, but should in a way strengthen our faith in the resurrected Christ; hence taking up the responsibility of living up to the tenets of this mystery as good Christians within permanent formation as stipulated in the Church’s doctrines.

Ever thought of a church setup devoid of the youths?

 This must be so boring and extinguishing entity ever on earth. Even Christ, in His mission, had them in mind let alone Himself being a youth.

Being the future of the Church, God forms in them a new society; therefore, they should be given the chance to participate fully in the Church’s activities right from the liturgy to extra liturgical acts such as sports, environmental cleanup incoming generating activities, and many more as per the needs of the Parish. This will help majority of the youths to not only lead a reflective lifestyle and hence understand the deep call to conversion, but also to feel the sense of belonging to and within the church.


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