Outside Kenya, for a mission!

The Démocratique République du Congo best known by its initials as DRC is one of the 17 African nations that have just celebrated its fiftieth anniversary of independence. The year 2010 was known as L’année du Cinqantenaire (centenary year) by its habitants.  The president, Mr. Joseph Kabila, in his speech during this auspicious jubilee celebration on the 30th June, 2010, thanked sincerely, among other personalities, countries and organizations, a branch of the United Nations, for having been on their side as a country during the difficult historical moments.

The triple mandate

Growing up, the term mission had an ecclesiastical connotation. It meant the church, the parish, the place we used to frequent every Sunday for prayers. Besides, the road that passes next to St. Teresa’s Cathedral, Kisumu, is known as the mission road. Today this term has a wider connotation. Mission is no longer Church related, rather it also applies to the peace keeping activities carried out by the United Nations organization in the tragedy stricken areas.

The original peace keeping force in DRC was known as United Nations Organizations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Monuc). It carried that name until the end of its mandate on 1st July, 2010, just 24 hours after the centenary celebrations. Thereafter it was renamed as United Nations Organizations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Monusco) reflecting the new face of Congo; political stability, social development and security and peaceful environment.

The Lusaka Ceasefire signed in July 1999 among six regional countries that border Congo, DRC inclusive, saw the establishment of Monuc in DRC, which, by then, had triple mandate: the observation of Ceasefire, disengagement of forces and maintenance of liason with all parties to the Ceasefire Agreement.

At the service of the mission

Eleven years down the line, among the courageous men and women consolidating peace, protecting the civilians, facilitating humanitarian assistance and ensuring proper process of stabilization of DRC are sons and daughters of the Kenyan soil.

Having nurtured a dream of some day working outside Kenya, *Miss Mary Clara Wamboi, who hails from Central Province, Kiandhini village, is today happily making this dream a reality. She read a lot of adventurous literatures as a teenager and now making those adventures herself. She is proud to have been in DRC since 2003 and enjoys the mission.

On the other hand, *Mr. David Paul Ndisi, having been in DRC for only three years feels satisfied for having put into practice all the tactics he had acquired as a young scout during his school-going years. “Jesus accomplished all that he came to do on earth in just three years. Three was significant and to me, am contented for the services I have rendered to humanity through the people of Congo and will always be happy.” He ecstatically affirmed.

Unlike Miss Wamboi who was open minded and was even ready to spend nights in tents as a marshal despite being in deep shock as she received her destination to Kisangani one of the regions in DRC, Mr. Ndisi, a father of five, from Chuda in Bungoma, had chains of sleepless nights to come to terms with the new work destination. This was his first assignment as a UN civilian and outside Kenya. After thorough reflections, he took up the task by both hands thanks to his training as a scout.  

Life lived amidst several challenges

Married and with three kids, *Mr. Blastos Olang’ Metto, from Ndhiwa in south Nyanza, cannot play a direct role of parenting his two daughters and his son. This is because he is not allowed to have his family in the mission. Luckily with the present communication technology, he is able to speak with each member of his family quiet often.  Despite the cost incurred, he feels it necessary to keep in touch so as not to loose both the family bond and the track of his family’s development.

In this aspect, *Mrs. Ann Moraa Ouma, from Nyaribari in Kisii and married to a Luo man, admits that this is the real challenge. Her two kids always wonder and ask where mummy lives, for the mothers is always the centre of the child’s world. “With their father alone, my kids miss the motherly touch in their lives and I can’t do anything to substitute it with my job! It’s a sacrifice for their good and the good of others.  Fortunately, their father is there to check on their up keep, homework, health and everything a mother should do.”

Mr. Ndisi admits that families with only one parent present throughout and the other having a quasi-domicile in the family is not a bed of roses for the children. Once one figure is missing only to re-appear for just three weeks after three or four months away in the missions depending on the time for holidays, can confuse the children. He or she might come with other principles that the other had rejected and so both the parents must always dialogue on who and how to form their kids. Mr. Olang’ reveals that at times the kids might think that they are not loved and that the parent prefers the job to them, hence they develop low self esteem or even hate towards the ‘missing’ parent.

*Miss Jacinta Wanja tells of having missed several family gatherings, national ceremonies, weddings, burials etc, which required her presence. The most recent were the first ever Mashujaa Day and the burial of her grandmother who nurtured her as a mother since latter passed on while she was still an infant! As for the national functions, she has a remedy. She makes sure that she follows every bit from the Dstv. Its maintenance costs her much but it is worth it. She keeps abreast with the national politics and social developments of her mother country.

Far away in Bunia, the border of DRC and Sudan, *Mr. Kipng’eno arap Ng’etich, tells of having difficulties in forming the inmates as well as the community to love each other as the major way of upholding peace and stability in the society. “It’s not easy educating the society that the prisoners of war and of other crimes need equally to be loved and welcomed into the community.” He admits that it is a hard nut to crack to integrate the inmates to be useful persons in the society.

Discovering the Church

Catholicism is strongly rooted in the DRC. Two realities are a witness to this: first, the Zairean rite of celebrating the Mass; and secondly, the two children of the DRC on the way to sainthood: Blessed Marie-Clementine Anoalite Nengapeta and Blessed Isidore Bakanja. Soon or later, the Mother Church will proclaim them the saints in the Catholic Church.

The Zairean rite, usually celebrated in Lingala, one of the local languages, for DRC is the home of inculturation, would not be easy to follow and fully participate in if one has no notion of the local language or if not interested in learning the language. This rite is loved by most of the locals and it is in this respect that few parishes would have masses in other different languages, for instance, English. There are few parishes that have masses in English. Such include St. Ann, St. Joseph, and St. Luc. The latter, known as St. Catherine Drexel English community, is animated by the Consolata Missionaries. Its principle priest, Fr. Symphorien Fumwasendji, is a Congolais who did his theological studies in Tangaza, Kenya.

Before knowing these English communities, Miss. Wamboi almost lost her faith as a Catholic Christian. At times she could attend either the Lingala or French Mass and come out frustrated for not having fully followed it especially the liturgy of the Word and the Sunday sermon. Luckily with the aid of the Roman Sunday Missal, which she later bought from Kenya, she was able to follow the Sunday readings and have her prayers at her house.

“How then did you know of the St. Catherine Drexel community?” I popped in the question. “It was a life time miracle,” was the response. One Sunday morning, she went to Church just for the sake of it and while there, she saw a gentleman in the Kenyan military combat. This provoked her to inquire whereabouts of this man. The light chat they had after the celebration revealed to her that indeed he was a Kenyan soldier on a mission, and a catholic for that matter. He was very well conversant with the Kinshasa city and even proposed to Miss Wamboi some parishes where she could have the religious services, Mass and sacrament of Reconciliation celebrated in English. “This was providential, for since then I have not only increased my faith, but have also known more about the Church, Consolata Missionaries and other very good Christians,” she concluded.

On the other hand, Mr. Ndisi, a member of the Friends Church always feels at home praying with the members of St. Catherine Drexel. At a glance, one might presume that he is a catholic faithful. This is the spirit of ecumenism put into practice. According to him, it is always a moment of sharing the spiritual gifts and life that God has given us as Christians. “This is the unity that you Catholics pray for always!” he intoned. Now, since he shares in the spiritual activities and unfathomable riches of Christ and the Catholic Church, he dedicates some moments to learn the Church’s doctrines and who knows, he might someday resort to full catechetical instructions, for he is in the process of discovering the Church.

Various motivations

Miss Wamboi admits that there is no much joy as seeing a country once torn apart picking up from war. Having witnessed an attempted coup of its kind in the past, and lived in total fear of the gunshots, today she may go about her business as if this historical fact never took place. The prayer for peace and reconciliation in the world finds meaning in her daily life experience. This peaceful society gives her more hope that the future is bright ahead in this country.

For Mrs. Moraa, the fact that her family back home is capable of letting her work away from them is itself a motivation, a source from where she gets her daily strength to keep the good work in the mission. “I miss them occasionally and the thought of them letting me work here gives me extra ordinary powers!”

On the other hand Mr. Kipng’eno’s extra ordinary powers to continue in the mission springs from the results of his work. “Seeing the inhabitants drop down the arms and seek dialogue motivates me more!” He relates this dialogue for peace with that which took place in Kenya after the 2007 post polls chaos. “It is joyful making people understand the price of peace especially after an experience of war!”

“I can’t count the number of friends I have made since I stepped here in DRC!” said Jacinta. “Friends are gifts to each of us” she continued. “And for me, having friends who are natives is just a great motivation that keeps me going and living among them!” she concluded.

 (*not real names for publication's ethics)

Banganga Nzambe ya Sika.

Au début de ce mois de février, tous les religieux et toutes les religieuses ont rassemblés à la Cathédral Notre Dame du Congo à Kinshasa pour deux raisons principales. Primo, c’était une célébration pour clôturer à la fois les conférences des Supérieurs majeurs et le cinquantenaire d’ASUMA (Assemblé des Supérieurs Majeurs) et de l’USUMA (Union des  Supérieures Majeures).  Secundo, le même 2 février, le jour auquel  l’Eglise universelle fête la présentation du Seigneur au Temple,  était aussi la fête de tous les religieux et toutes les religieuses. Car on célébrait la Journée mondiale de la Vie Consacrée.

Seize jours après, ils ont eu un autre moment ensemble. Cette fois-ci,  il s’agissait d’une élévation de huit religieux parmi eux au sacrement de l’Ordres. Il y avait 4 candidats au diaconat et 4 au sacerdotal.

Parmi les 4 diacres qui ont été ordonné prêtres, il y avait deux missionnaires de la Consolata, à savoir Simon MBALA MIZINGU qui a fait sa théologie ici au Congo et son stage au Séminaire  Antonio Barbero et Toussaint TWITE MUKOTA qui a étudié sa théologie à Rome.

Très tôt du matin de 19 février, la communauté du Théologat Joseph Allamano quitta Macampagne pour la Paroisse Sainte Marie Auxiliatrice de Masina, Petro-Congo, le lieu propice pour la célébration de l’ordination.

La messe s’est débutée à 10h 03, présidée par Son Excellence Mgr. Edouard KISONGA, Evêque auxiliaire de l’Archidiocèse de Kinshasa. Il y avait aussi la présence de Mgr. Timothée BODIKA MANSIYIA, évêque auxiliaire nommé de Kinshasa.

Dans son homélie, Mgr. KISONGA a énuméré les rôles de diacres et des prêtres dans l’Eglise communauté des croyants. Il a cité entre autre que le diacre, en tant qu’un ministre ordonné, est au service de l’évêque et des prêtres à l’autel. Il peut également conduire la communauté à l’absence d’un prêtre à la prière de la bénédiction d’un mariage et au partage de la Parole de Dieu. Il peut aussi amener le saint sacrement aux malades (viaticum).

Quant au prêtre, celui-ci est appelé à offrir au Seigneur un sacrifice de l’eucharistie comme le Christ nous l’avons demandé à la veille de sa Passion.

Après la litanie de saints, qui a été chanté solennellement en Lingala en évoquant les noms de saints, l’évêque, un successeur des Apôtres, à 11h 42, a imposé ses mains sur la tête de diacre Toussaint TWITE MUKOTA en lui partageant la grâce et le pouvoir sacerdotal ministériel. Avec ce geste, Toussaint est devenu prêtre à jamais selon Melchisedek.  Après deux minutes, était le tour de diacre Simon MBALA.

A 12h 04, l’évêque a procédé à la prière consécratoire.

A 12h 11, les nouveaux prêtres ont été aidés à vêtir les chasubles pour la première fois dans l’Eglise. Le Père Paul GITONGA MURITHI en tant qu’Animateur de la vocation dans la région du Congo, a aidé le Père Toussaint TWTE. Tandis que le Père Symphorien FUMWASENDJI en tant que Supérieur majeur de la région et l’ancien formateur du Père Simon MBALA a aidé celui-ci. Il a donc achevé son travail qu’il avait commencé quand il était encore le recteur de nouveau prêtre. 

La messe a pris fin à 14h 13 après quelques mots de remerciements de la part de nouveaux ordonnés (banganga Nzambe ya sika) et du président de l’ASUMA.

Consacrated Life

it took me time to realise that I was a religious! Soon, i will tell you this experience.